Deviled eggs gluten free

Indulge in devilishly good bites: perfectly seasoned creamy deviled eggs (gluten free), because everyone deserves a little mischief ! If you know how to boil an egg, you will be an eggs-pert (expert LOL 😉) at making these in no time!

Deviled eggs on lilac plate with black olives

There has been no family celebration during my childhood without deviled eggs (or stuffed eggs). Often my mum used to fill them with homemade Pâté (made with free range chicken livers from our grandparents’ farm). They were creamy-dreamy and tangy and I could stuff my face with the lot before the guests arrived!

This recipe is so easy, you could encourage the kids to get involved too!

why you’ll love this recipe

As a food scientist, I talk about gluten free food almost daily. Recently it has become a fad, unless you are a coeliac, have gluten intolerance or a wheat (or other cereal containing gluten) allergy. There is plenty of information about the difference between the above conditions, as well as more recent information and research studies on why for most people gluten is not a problem. But here it is, if you want a gluten free appetizer, this one certainly is!

Just make sure to always check the food labels for any cross contamination messages, food factories can’t always eliminate allergens.

Deviled eggs with parsley and olives
  1. Gluten-Free Goodness: Perfect for those with gluten sensitivities or anyone looking for a tasty gluten-free snack.
  2. Vegetarian appetizer: The deviled eggs are not only gluten free but also vegetarian, just watch your lemons (the wax is normally sourced from shellac and recently the Vegetarian Society are not certifying shellac products as vegetarian anymore).
  3. Burst of Zesty Freshness: The lemon juice elevates these deviled eggs to a whole new level. The zesty kick provides a refreshing contrast to the creamy filling, making each bite a burst of sunshine.
  4. Quick and Easy: With just a handful of ingredients and minimal prep time, these gluten-free deviled eggs are a breeze to whip up and they are a crowd-pleaser. Who has time for complicated recipes? Not me 😂!
  5. Elegant presence: I like my deviled eggs to make an entrance! Especially at parties, celebrations and mostly on New Year’s Eve menu. Decorate them with olives, herbs (strands of dill would work perfectly with these flavors) or even thin strips of lemon peel

Watch how to make deviled eggs (gluten free)

How to make a simple classic version of deviled eggs

Ingredients you’ll need

  • Eggs – use free range eggs, they are so worth it! In the US, there are pasture raised options, so think about what eggs you would like to feed your family!
  • Mayonnaise – I use store bought, but you can make your own if you like. I love this recipe for homemade mayonnaise from one of my favorite.
  • Dijon mustard – I love its creaminess 😍
  • Black pepper – if you make deviled eggs, you must not skip the black pepper, use freshly ground!
  • Salt – I used Cornish sea salt, but any salt will work.
  • Lemon (juice) – Add the juice from half a lemon and taste for sourness, add more if needed. Make sure to use unwaxed lemons if you are zesting them. But if you are piping the mixture, I would skip the zest, as it blocks the piping nozzle.
  • Parsley (optional) for garnish
  • Olives (optional) to decorate
Ingredients for deviled eggs

How to make gluten free deviled eggs (step-by-step)

Time needed: 30 minutes

These little bites of heaven are not only delicious but also incredibly easy to whip up. So, let’s get cracking!

  1. Hard-Boil the Eggs:

    Start by boiling the eggs. Place them in a saucepan, cover with cold or room temperature water, and bring to a boil. Once boiling, reduce the heat and let them simmer for 6-7 minutes. Transfer the eggs to an ice bath to cool before peeling.White eggs in a bowl with ice

  2. Peel the eggs:

    Pat the eggs dry with kitchen paper or a towel. Remove the egg shell carefully to keep the avoid removing any of the egg white in the process. Eggs being peeled and a crystal bowl next to them

  3. Slice and scoop

    Cut the hard-boiled eggs in half lengthwise. Gently scoop out the yolks and place them in a bowl. Yolks scooped with teaspoon in a crystal bowl

  4. Mash and mix

    Mash the egg yolks with a fork and add mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, black pepper, salt, and lemon juice. Mix until smooth and creamy.

  5. Pipe or Spoon:

    Spoon the yolk mixture into a piping bag or simply use a spoon to fill the egg whites with the delicious filling. You can get creative with different piping tips for an elegant touch.Spooning deviled eggs mixture in piping bag

  6. Garnish:

    Get creative with your toppings! I topped mine with black olive halves and parsley, but you can sprinkle chili flakes or hot smoked paprika, chopped chives, or even some crispy pancetta bits for a tasty and elegant presentation.

  7. Chill and Serve:

    These are a great make ahead, since they can be kept cold in the fridge for a few days. But you can refrigerate the deviled eggs for at least 30 minutes before serving.

Pro Tips

  • If you are piping the mixture back into the egg whites, use the largest nozzle you have or no nozzle and leave a wide-ish opening. This is because your mixture won’t be perfectly smooth and the lumps may push your nozzle out. It did mine LOL 😂!
  • These deviled eggs (gluten free) are a great make ahead, since they can be kept cold in the fridge for a few days. Just cover them with plastic or place them in a lidded bowl. They tend to borrow any fridge smells.
  • BEST TIP: If you are making them ahead, I suggest to garnish them before you serve them, so they look fresh and appetizing!
Lemon squeezing

cooking time

The eggs take around 10 minutes to cook (including the time allowed to get to boiling temperature).

cooling time

Once in the ice bath, the eggs take around 10 minutes to cool down.

Preparation time

It takes around 10 minutes to peel the eggs, prepare the mixture and fill the eggs. TIP: If you double up this recipe it will take longer, since you have more eggs to peel and fill.

Total time

This means in 30 minutes, you will have a platter full of golden jeweled appetizers to impress your guests!

Nutritional benefits

Eggs used to have a bad rep in past decades, but now dietary cholesterol and egg restrictions have been removed from most national dietary recommendations (see published studies). I am very fond of eggs for our family’s diet, they are highly nutritious yet affordable!


This recipe yields 12 halves, I would recommend 2 halves per person, this is enough for a intimate gathering, but scale up if you have a full blown family reunion 😊!

What to serve with deviled eggs

Eggs cut in halves on blue chopping board and parsley in the background
  • I think crostini (make sure you get gluten free ones too) would work so well with these.
  • If gluten is not a problem for you, use leftover sourdough to make croutons and toast them lightly with a little olive oil and thyme.
  • My favorite to serve alongside, especially during the holiday season, is a bowl full of delicious boeuf salad (a filling yet healthful winter salad) or even a light potato salad.
  • A tangy sweet relish or chutney will also pair nicely.
  • Traditionally, we serve a platter full of gorgeously decorated deviled eggs and add a myriad of pickles, some naturally fermented cornishons, more olives and chargrilled peppers.
  • The flavors in the filling lend themselves to some saltiness: I would suggest serving some capers or better still caperberries!
  • I promise this is the last suggestion 😂: try sliced preserved lemons, you only need a sliver, since they carry such strong flavors!

variations and substitutions

  • VEGETARIAN: If you want this recipe vegetarian, avoid waxed lemons! (see my geeky explanation above ⬆️)
  • There are many deviled eggs recipes calling for vinegar, personally I find that lemon is adding a hint of sweetness and brightness. If you’d rather use vinegar, avoid malt vinegar (it’s made from barley which contains gluten), apple cider vinegar is a good option.
  • Now… let’s talk herbs! I used parsley, but I think dill always works with all things mustardy and lemony! And chives will elevate these to new heights! Give these a go!
  • Although olives are optional, since I decorated my deviled eggs with olives, they add such beautiful contrast 🫶. Another great pairing would be slivers of cornichons (or gherkins) and even some thin chargrilled pepper slices.
  • Since black pepper makes or brakes this recipe, I strongly recommend another fresh flurry to finish, but others swear by a pinch of paprika! If you are going to use it, just make it hot smoked 😜!
  • And lastly, this recipe lends itself to some creative endeavors. My mum mixes everything in a blender but adds freshly cooked and cooled chicken livers and a little butter. You get a smooth pâté that is just so moreish. Yum!
Deviled eggs on lavander plate with lemon on the side

So there you have it – a simple classic recipe for gluten-free deviled eggs that will have everyone fighting to get to the appetizers plate. Give it a try and let me know how much you love them! Enjoy! 🥚✨

  • If you make my recipe, take a snapshot for your Instagram
  • Post and tag me @candyflosie😉🤗!
  • Don’t forget to rate my recipe! It will make my day!

deviled eggs gluten free FAQ

Got some questions? Check these answers out!

Can deviled eggs be made ahead of time?

Absolutely! Make the deviled eggs a few hours in advance and store them in the fridge. Just be sure to cover them to keep them looking fresh. Take them out just before you are ready to serve.

How do I make the perfect hard-boiled eggs?

Always start with room temperature eggs, cover them with cold or room temperature water in a saucepan, bring to a boil, then simmer for 6-7 minutes. Shock the eggs in ice water for easy peeling.

How long can I store these deviled eggs?

They’re best enjoyed fresh but can be kept in the fridge covered for up to 2 days. The texture does change a little bit over time.

Not a fan of mayo?

If you don’t like mayo, use Greek yogurt (or mix it with sour cream so it’s thicker), just use it sparingly to make sure your filing isn’t too runny.

Are deviled eggs gluten free?

Yes, these are! You can find more information above in the post where I explain about the gluten free fad, but if you are looking for a gluten free appetizer, this one sure is!

Are deviled eggs healthy?

The research has proven the health benefits of eggs, so go ahead and enjoy, knowing that you are looking after your glow from the inside out! If you pair them with some naturally fermented vegetables, your gut will thank you! Check out some of my recipes for pink sauerkraut or naturally fermented tomatoes!

Deviled eggs gluten free

Everyone's favorite party appetizer – deviled eggs! This recipe is gluten free with classic flavors and a fresh burst of lemony goodness, but oh, so easy to whip up!
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Appetizer
Cuisine International
Servings 6


  • 1 saucepan for boiling eggs
  • 1 slotted spoon
  • 1 medium bowl for ice bath
  • 1 medium bowl for mixing the filling
  • 1 platter or large dinner plate for serving
  • 1 knife
  • 1 Chopping board


  • 6 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 lemon (use juice to taste)
  • 6 olives cut in halves, optional
  • parsley for garnish optional


Boil the Eggs:

  • Place the eggs in a saucepan and cover them with cold or room temperature water.
  • Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Meanwhile prepare an ice bath by filling a medium size bowl with ice cubes.
  • Once done, transfer the eggs to an ice bath to cool before peeling.

Prepare the Filling:

  • Peel the eggs carefully to keep them whole. The shell should come off easily if they have been in an ice bath.
  • Cut the boiled eggs in half and remove the yolks.
  • In a bowl, mash the yolks with a fork and mix in mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, black pepper, salt, and lemon juice.
  • Combine until smooth.

Fill the Egg Whites:

  • Spoon or pipe the filling back into the egg whites. You can get creative with different piping tips for an elegant touch.

Chill before serving:

  • Refrigerate the deviled eggs for at least 30 minutes before serving to make sure the flavors meld and the filling is set.

Garnish and Enjoy:

  • Before serving, garnish with more freshly cracked black pepper, a touch of fresh herbs, and the halved olives.
  • Serve with pickles or relishes and toasts or crackers.



If you don’t have ice for an ice bath, just run very cold water from the tap over the boiled eggs for at least 5 minutes, preferably 10 minutes.
To shell the eggs successfully, I tap each egg to smash the shell almost completely, it slides much easier that way.
If you are piping the filing, use a large-ish piping bag (I use a silicone reusable one) and place it nozzle down in a tall cup or glass to help with spooning the mixture. Watch the video to see how I do it!
Keyword angel eggs, eggs appetizer, stuffed eggs

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